
Organization Share As Received (ShARe) was formed as a response to a call to help less fortunate people improving their lives.  It is dedicated to support educational needs as well as basic life needs in order to promote self-sufficiency, along with moral responsibility. ShARe is a non-profit organization operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The activities of organization are mainly focused on supporting:


Vocational Schools, where people are taught and prepared with skills to perform particular jobs.


Cares for children with education needs, where children living in poverty are sent to school or supported with after school cares for education help or activities.


Emergency disasters help, where people suffered from nature disasters are supported to receive care for health, food, and shelters.

And more...

Other Humanitarian services, where less fortunate people are fed with clean water and food, as well as special cares for disabled people.


We are serving communities in developing countries where poverty is hitting the majority, as well as communities in US where children from low income families need educational support.


We, team of four, support and serve with different talents, but the same passion which is to be blessing for our brothers and sisters in needs.


ShARe is a non-profit organization operated exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

In February 2016 ShARe, in partnership with Gereja Kristen Indonesia – Monrovia church, completed the building of A Mission House in Kampong Chhnang, Cambodia.  The Mission House is for the community kids and families to gather to receive homework and school work helps for students, routine Sunday School, other physical & spiritual activities.  Praise for the Lord!

ShARe helped to build 2 (two) patios extended from a house, so community kids from DeyDos village can come to enjoy learning, provided by a Missionary family.

ShARe has passion to equip children as future leaders physically and mentally.  A representative came to visit Purto Nuevo, El-Salvador in February 2010.  ShARe partners with a local non-profit organization providing small working capital to support lives of some poor families.

We came to visit and support Padang, Sumatra – Indonesia where a major earthquake with magnitude 7.6 hit. ShARe is partnering with local non-profit organization to provide small library in a small tent for young kids to visit.ings were damaged by the shock.

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